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Messages - Shifting Sands

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 14 15
Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2! (Open)
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:29:55 PM »


And I KNOW you've got a pic of me in your art folders! NO LINKS

Heck, I had the idea, might as well post it...

If it isn't completely copying, Zerg Rush |:P

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests: Girls! (Open)
« on: September 09, 2011, 04:26:44 PM »
Right then... lemme see...

How about Jacklyn just getting out of the shower and glaring at the viewer? |:P

Art Gallery / Re: Virmir-Abuse Comic: VOTE!
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:37:18 PM »

Game Room / Re: Botticelli (an intellectual game of guessing identities)
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:59:46 PM »
Are you a dwarven explorer who quests to discover the secrets of Ulduar?

Bronzebeard, the famous adventuring dwarf, who must avoid being hit by EYEBEAMS!

Art Gallery / Re: Insanity Comic
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:16:57 PM »
Edited, since I don't truly know how this works |:P

I leap down and start cleaning up all the random bits of hail and broken lightningbolts while Geary turns around to watch for more randomness!

Art Gallery / Re: Insanity Comic
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:30:38 PM »
Suddenly, RANDOM STORM! With lightning bolts going everywhere, especially hitting the tree, causing Virmir to explode in grumpy waking-up-ness! And I sit atop the clouds, laughing and eating birthday cake |:P

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests: TF Sequences! (Open)
« on: June 24, 2011, 03:38:54 PM »
Since I seem to be in a merfuzzy phase... MERJACKAL TF! From diving with a magical, bubbling waterfall!

And since I can include one of Vir's characters... one of them will be in, too! I'm gonna roll to see which gender both of the characters will have! If it's a 1, it's Virmir and Medik; if it's a 2, it's Jacklyn and Lucile!

And hey, you know... to make it more iiiiiiiinteresting for Vir... why don't you make it a change from Jacklyn to Medik? Gotta keep it EXCITING and DIFFERENT |:P

Art Gallery / Re: Team Furtress 2 1/15
« on: June 24, 2011, 03:33:15 PM »
Medic, obviously!

So... here goes!

EDIT: Oh, and since I think we can make specifications... can I be kept my size and in an oversized Medic-coat, while holding a ZAPpy bonesaw in one hand, and a medigun in the other? Thanks!

Medigun thingy:

As for the bonesaw thing... just take a typical one, and attach a generator to it!

Random Topics / Re: Virmir (Mis)-Pronunciation Statistics
« on: June 13, 2011, 10:31:23 PM »

I thought I might try and copy-paste my writing into a post, but... for once, I wrote a decent length, and I'm not sure if it would fit, soooooo... attachment, go!

Random Topics / Re: Weird Dreams
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:46:05 AM »
So, I finally had a dream I remember that was SEMI-fuzzy, and thought I might as well post it...

Apparently someone, somewhere, somehow, had made some-anime-series-thingy for everyone in the chat... and even though I've only seen anime about 2 times in my life, I figured I'd order it (BOUGHT IT ONLIIIIIINE). I mean, it would be fuzzy, right? So, somehow I got my copy of it before anyone else, and the first thing I noticed was that there were five volumes, or whatever you wanna call them; seasons, parts, sequences, books. I took the first one, obviously, and "used" (I never put the disc into anywhere, it just turned on the TV) it and started watching.

Now, after that, things were a little hazy, but I do remember that some evil military dudes who had a PLAAAAAAGUE of some sort wanted to use it on some small little town built in a gas station. However, two boys walked out of it, both teenagers, but one older than the other, while the soldiers were sneaking by, ruining their element of surprise. So... they just used the two kids as a tiny group of experiments! They threw some green vial right on top of them, and it exploded over their heads; one kid right away shrank down into a green kitten (I'm guessing Zavier) and the other... kinda just resisted for a moment, I guess. As the soldiers approached them, the kitten ran back into the gas station, while the other kid was too dazed to do anything, and was promptly captured.

From there, the soldiers and the diseased kid went onto a train... but it kinda just... broke down halfway, and the boy escaped. So... he was growing dark brown fur, and ran back toward the gas station (how does someone find that as a shelter?).

Anyway... I definitely want to watch the rest of this series in my dreams |:P

Art Gallery / Re: The Hungry Silray Asks For Requests
« on: April 20, 2011, 09:43:37 PM »
Me running by with fridges, heaters, hammers and lots of duct tape as Vir and Donnie look on worriedly!

Art Gallery / Re: 100 Sketches (Requests Open!)
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:11:26 PM »

Jacklyn, holding a super-hyper-out-of-control-me by the scruff of my neck while I spin my legs in toony tornadoes to get free! |:P

Art Gallery / Re: 100 Sketches (Requests Open!)
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:36:47 PM »

Me in oversized Anubis gear, with a huge paw (with the arm offscreen) headfurruffling me!

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