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Topics - Virmir

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 14
Virmir Commissions / No commission openings scheduled for a while
« on: September 09, 2024, 05:34:40 PM »
I have a large number of personal projects scheduled so have no plans on taking another batch of commissions for a while. I don't have an estimate at this time. Sorry! As usual, I will give several months warning ahead of time before I open. I will re-evaluate my work load in a year or so and post an update then.

Thanks for your interest!

Game Room / EVERY Pokemon team I've used
« on: July 21, 2024, 09:23:14 PM »
Convenient list since the topic keeps coming up and I can never remember--

Pokemon Blue (1999)
Alakazam, Hypno, Starmie, Dragonite, Gyarados, Onix

Pokemon Gold (2000)
Don't remember! Likely included Umbreon, Typhlosion, with Gyrados, Alakazam again (Alas, gen 2 batteries...)

Pokemon Gold (2013)
Jumpluff, Typhlosion, Quagsire, Furret, Noctowl, Kadabra

Pokemon X (2017)
Emolga, Delphox, Goodra, Lapras, Sylveon, Lucario

Pokemon Sun (2017)
Absol, Toucannon, Lurantis, Salazzle, Primarina, Mismagius

Pokemon Emerald (2018)
Manectric, Pelipper, Breloom, Gardevoir, Camerupt, Aggron

Pokemon Platinum (2018)
Infernape, Luxray, Saraptor, Bronzong, Floatzel, Leafeon

Pokemon White (2019)
Zekrom, Serperior, Cinccino, Scolipede, Swoobat, Krookodile

Pokemon LeafGreen (2020)
Flareon, Blastoise, Raichu, Exeggutor, Nidoqueen, Dodrio

Pokemon SoulSilver (2021)
Umbreon, Maganium, Rapidash, Miltank, Slowbro, Ampharos

Pokemon Black 2 (2023)
Emboar, Galvantula, Excadrill, Swanna, Zoroark, Leavanny

Pokemon UltraMoon (2024)
Incineroar, Haxorus, Beheeyem, Lilligant, Lycanroc (Midnight), Lopunny

Post references to your Pokemon characters you would be okay with me including as a cameo if, in theory, I were to be in the middle of writing a 150-200 page Mystery Dungeon comic which, if, in theory, I decide I like, I may end up drawing.

Also check which of the following apply:

_ I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
_ I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
_ I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.

This script, if it exists, is an 11 on the snark level. Like a full level beyond Virmir-World.

This story focuses on lower level Pokemon. (At least, THIS part of it.) But higher levels may appear in backgrounds occasionally.

This is not a request topic, and I definitely will not be including all characters. Only those that happen to fit.

I'm probably not going to include any character with crazy colors or major alterations or complex outfits. Think Eevee with stylish hair and cape or Riolu with purple highlights and an eyepatch.

I'm more likely to cameo established characters VS. ones that people just made up because they saw this topic.

Random Topics / Spare books for sale
« on: April 12, 2024, 11:53:51 PM »

While ordering test prints of Rain Burn I also ordered a couple Crimson Flag and Virmir-World books because I read that they changed paper types and wanted to make sure everything still looks good. (I sent in a small edit to fix the spine width due to lighter paper, but they otherwise do look fine.) Plus I had some left over from earlier test prints.

This means I have a few more extra copies I'm willing to sell to forum readers.

Crimson Flag - USD $50
Quantity remaining: 3

Virmir-World Volume 1 - USD $17.25
Quantity remaining: 2

Note that I'm selling these at a slightly higher price than what you can get them for the normal way because I had to pay to get these shipped to me. To compensate I will sign them and draw a Virmir head in them.

Shipping - Likely cheaper than IndyPlanet if you live in the US. Probably $3-$5. If you live outside the US then unfortunately it will be much more expensive, possibly $30-$40.

Email me or contact me through the forums if interested. I'll give you an exact quote on shipping. If you want both books I can combine them in one package. Payment will be via Paypal invoice similar to how I handle commissions.

Will you sell Rain Burn books???

Yes, eventually I'll have spares from test printings but not right away. I'd prefer people to buy from my IndyPlanet store, especially during the rush at book release.

Random Topics / Got my Fennekin TF Soda
« on: February 17, 2024, 01:37:49 PM »

Virmir Commissions / [CLOSED] Commissions open until November 10th
« on: November 03, 2023, 07:00:06 PM »
Commissions are open until Friday, November 10th! I will be closing around 7PM central time. I will be considering all types of commissions during this period.

Prices and contact instructions:

  • Feel free to apply for as many commissions as you like! If applying for more than one commission, all requests MUST be in the same email. Please include full details in the email.
  • If you have updates or addendums, you MUST reply to the same email and KEEP THE SAME SUBJECT LINE.
  • You will receive a message from me within 24 hours indicating that I have received your request. This is NOT an indication that I have accepted your application just yet.
  • Make sure to check your spam folder, as bizarrely sometimes my responses are flagged as such. (And I will do the same for yours!)
  • No decisions on which commissions I will be taking will be made during the application period. This is not first-come-first-serve, so no need to rush.
  • Sometime between Saturday, November 11th and Monday, November 13th, I will follow up with a second email to let you know if I will be taking your commission or not. Cost and scheduling will be determined at this time if your commission has been selected.
  • I don't have a size limit set in stone for this batch, however practicality may limit which ideas I select (as well as how many large commission applications I get).
  • Large commissions will be scheduled after small commissions, so could feasibly get scheduled a couple of months out (payment of course will not be due until the week before I begin work).

Art Gallery / Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
« on: October 20, 2023, 08:00:03 PM »


Welcome to Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 13, Way Past Cool edition!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir  or another one of my characters if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK, GOOD BLASTED TREES-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration:
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here!  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 21st! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.


Virmir Commissions / Commissions Opening November 3rd 7PM - 10th 2023
« on: October 02, 2023, 03:19:39 PM »
This is advance notification that I will be opening commissions on Friday, November 3rd at approximately 7PM US Central Time and will be closing on Friday, November 10th at approximately 7PM US Central Time

I'll be taking a big batch just like last time!

  • Feel free to apply for as many commissions as you like during this period.
  • No decisions on which commissions I will be taking will be made during the application period. This is not first-come-first-serve, so no need to rush.
  • Sometime between Saturday, November 11th and Monday, November 13th, I will contact you to let you know if I will be taking your commission or not. Cost and scheduling will be determined at this time if your commission has been selected.
  • I don't have a size limit set in stone for this batch, however practicality may limit which ideas I select (as well as how many large commission applications I get).
  • Large commissions will be scheduled after small commissions, so could feasibly get scheduled several months out (payment of course will not be due until the week before I begin work). The last time I opened for a full week and accepted any size commissions, I booked about eight months worth of work, so keep that timescale in mind!
  • Multiple people have asked about group commissions-- this would be the time to apply for those as well! (Since I don't officially have mention of group commissions on my page-- from my POV, these are just giant group pictures ordered and paid for by a single point of contact-- I don't do any of the organizing when it comes to a group commission.) I don't need full details in your application for these in the initial application-- just a general idea of what I'm drawing and how many characters you expect there to be. If accepted, we will agree on a date that gives you ample time to coordinate participants and collect payment.

Art Gallery / Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 Preliminary Notice
« on: September 22, 2023, 01:26:59 PM »

This is a preliminary announcement that Halloween sketch requests will open on Friday, October 20 at approximately 8:00 PM US central time and remain open for approximately 24 hours. A separate request topic will be posted that will look similar to previous years' topics which is the one that you will need to post your request to.

- Feel free to share the date with your friends and adversaries in private, but please don't advertise it openly in public places like twitter or journals (that would be HORRIBLE).

- If you know for sure you will not have internet access during that 24 hour period to make a request, you may notify me beforehand and ask permission to post a late request after the cut off time. YOU must ask me personally. Do not ask a friend to ask me.

- Be prepared to post in the topic-- it's the only way to get a sketch! If you want to join up with a friend, your friend needs to sign up for the forums and post too! This is for the CF/RB community!

Thanks for your interest!

This is a preliminary announcement that I'm leaning towards opening commissions some time in November this year, after I'm done with the current Virmir-World story and Halloween sketches. I will likely do the same format as last time-- stay open for a week, then choose which ones to take out of the full list of respondents. I am leaning towards considering all commission sizes again, but I will decide closer to the opening date.

I will post the exact dates of the window I'm planning to open about one month before opening. So look out for that in October!

Please do not ask me to pre-approve your commission idea or to provide any more specific details until I'm open.

Thanks for your interest!

Random Topics / Chinese Pony Cards
« on: December 08, 2022, 11:40:11 PM »
Recently I purchased some Chinese Pony Cards from AliExpress and rather than explain what Chinese Pony Cards are dozens of times in the chat, I have made this post to document them.

I quite enjoy the combination of cheap+strange foreign things (see previous Korean Pokemon Card fixation), so I am all over these.

They are quite inexpensive ($20 - $30ish per box depending on the box) but surprisingly high quality. Look up "Kayou My Little Pony cards" if you are interested in getting your own. I don't see much info on these online, hence, tons of pictures.

Each pack contains six cards:

- 1 "Rare" card, which is one of four categories, labeled SGR, LSR, UR, or SSR
- 1 Lenticular hold/3D card
- 1 SR card
- 3 R cards

The randomization is a fun mix and they are all character-based, which I much prefer over many of the english cards which often focused on events or other non-tangible things in addition to the ponies.

The "rarest" cards appear to be the LSR cards and the one SGR, shown below. I only got one SGR out of the 18 pack box so I assume the fancy movie-style Fluttershy here is the "hit" of the box, although it looks similar to the LSRs so I grouped them together. These are very busy and shiny and I like the contrast between the sparkly effects and the flat colored characters.

The next "rare slot" cards are the UR cards, which I got five of. For some reason they have different light purple card back vs. the dark purple for most other of the rare-category cards.

They are very shiny and rainbowy-- very metalic. Not really my favorite effect out of all the cards, but still look okay. The rainbow effect is appropriate for Rainbow Dash, at least.

The final "rare slot" cards are the SSR, which appear to be the most common. These are my favorite! The are super shiny without overdoing it with a good solid character and background. Also approve of the high concentration of fish-ponies.

The holo cards are below. There is one of these in every pack. They are all lenticular and most of them have a 3D effect that give the illusion of the character popping out that's impossible to capture on camera. Some of them look really nice and some of them are kind of horrible and make my eyes cross.

I quite like the one with the Movie ponies in which they switch between normal and fish-ponies depending on the angle you look at it.

The SR cards follow, which are also one in every pack. These are slightly less shiny than the SSR cards and also look very nice. This is the first category I pulled some duplicates of. I would classify these as the "uncommons" when compared to Pokemon Cards.

Finally, the R cards are basically the "commons" at three per pack. I started to pull a few duplicates of these as I got towards the end of the box but still the variety is pretty good. They have a light holo star pattern over all of them similar to the SR cards (therefore, every single card in the pack is guaranteed to be shiny to some sort of degree).

The back of the R and SR cards have some sort of Pony Stats on them, which is the most Chinese thing out of anything on the cards.

Of course, Trixie gets pinned to the Wall of Interesting Cards above my drawing desk.

The boxes came completely smashed up, which is unfortunate because they contain delightful Engrish. I opened the more smashed one, so here are pictures of the less smashed.

Some time after getting the above cards I took another look at AliExpress and found that they were selling a different box for even cheaper with 20 packs instead of 18. These appear to be mostly the same set of cards except instead of the holo/lenticular there is a terrifying dead-eye Funko-pony card.

These boxes arrived in pristine condition! They are also shrink-wrapped, unlike the other box. I am thinking these are last years' cards or something like that, where they used mostly the same cards but swapped out a few of them.

I'll likely open one of these boxes too eveeeentually.

Art Gallery / Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
« on: October 14, 2022, 08:00:03 PM »


Welcome to Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12, V-Max Full Art edition!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir  or another one of my characters if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK, GOOD BLASTED TREES-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration: 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here!  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 15th! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.


Art Gallery / Halloween Sketch-a-thon 12 -- preliminary notice
« on: September 27, 2022, 07:15:33 PM »

This is a preliminary announcement that Halloween sketch requests will open on Friday, October 14 at approximately 8:00 PM US central time and remain open for approximately 24 hours. A separate request topic will be posted that will look similar to previous years' topics which is the one that you will need to post your request to.

Note this is one week earlier than the past few years.

- Feel free to share the date with your friends and adversaries in private, but please don't advertise it openly in public places like twitter or journals (that would be HORRIBLE).

- If you know for sure you will not have internet access during that 24 hour period to make a request, you may notify me beforehand and ask permission to post a late request after the cut off time.

- Be prepared to post in the topic-- it's the only way to get a sketch! If you want to join up with a friend, your friend needs to sign up for the forums and post too! This is for the CF/RB community!

Thanks for your interest!

Virmir Commissions / Next commission opening is a year or more away
« on: September 04, 2022, 10:30:41 AM »

Thank you for the (very many) commission inquiries!

At the time of posting I still have about two months of work left on the commission batch I took in February 2022, so I expect to be finishing those up by November 2022. After that, I will be starting the next Virmir-World story, which has a rough estimate of 90 pages. So at two pages per weekend, that project will take approximately 45 weeks. Since I work on Rain Burn during the week (Tues-Fri) and like to leave at least one free day (Monday), I won't be considering commissions until after the next Virmir-World story is complete. (This does not guarantee I will be opening commissions at that time-- it's the next time I'm available to start thinking about scheduling another project.)

Thanks for your interest!

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