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Messages - Tizocoatl

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 6
Art Gallery / Re: What should I turn into next? -- 2 (Nominate!)
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:06:02 PM »

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:03:20 PM » won't like me when i'm angry...

Command Avatar //Tizocoatl// Rebuild (create) City: (-1 pt)

" that's just going too far"

With a burst of arcane energy Tizo was standing in the middle of the deserted city of Den Zacatl. As he surveyed the ruined streets and the massive arena towering over the rooftops, he clenched his fists, wisps of starpower crackling over his body as time flew back around him, showing him the past 200 years of battle, conflict, and a very odd looking dragon-thing.

"...way too far..."

With a single wave of his webbed hand the recently risen corpses littering the streets dissolved into mist. With an upward stroke, like a conductor raising his baton, every last wreck of a building rose again to it's former glory.

"...time to get involved"

With a blast of energy Tizo vanished, streaking into the sky in search of information on the destruction of his city. Within years the Tiatlaca have reclaimed the city and are once again thriving with new scientific discoveries.

11 points remain

Purify City: Den Zacatl (-3 pts)

With new motivation never to repeat the monstrosities of the past, Den Zacatl is cleansed of it's evil and class conflict.

8 points remain

Command Avatar //General Telectol// Raise Army: (-1 pt)

Tehuan is absolutely shocked that such a city as Zacatl would fall so quickly. at the recommendation of military advisor Telectol a specialized army built to hit and run, trained to sweep over battlefields like a wave and vanish just as quickly, is raised in Den Tietzal. The army of the Frost blades this shock force is prepared to strike anywhere, anytime.

7 points remain

Advance Civilisation: (-5 pts)

War is in the air near the south pole. and with it came new advents in weaponry from the Tiatlaca and also from the positive alliance with the Knowlsek. new methods of refining can produce incredibly potent forcestone samples which are incorporated into things like boots, which allow the wearer to launch themself high and far through the air, and small handheld cannons with impressive power. The Tiatlaca are ready to become a dominating fighting force.

2 points remain

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Create city: (-1 pt)

Tehuan commissions another Megaship for use by the military, this one takes off from Den Tietzal on the eastern coast and is named : Cloudcutter Pixacosta

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Command Armies (-1 pt)

Prepared to retaliate in any way possible for the corruption and destruction of his entire scientific colony, Tehuan sends the Explorational Defense Force and the Frost Blades to assault the newly rebuilt city of Htark

0 points remain

also i vote to stay in age 2 for one more turn

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:45:31 PM »
no eloquent story this time, i'm tired

Advance Civilisation: (5 pts)

With the aid of shared Knowlsek technology the Tiatlaca have gotten over their fear of heights, creating the megaship. a city-sized battleship built to sustain an entire city as well as serve as a military transport. at the moment only one such ship exists...

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Create City: (1 pt)

the first megaship ever created was the Cloudcutter Memepixque. it's maiden flight begins just north of Den Zacatl on the coastline.

0 points remain

Toast: use this

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: August 02, 2013, 04:39:30 PM »
17 points available

Command Avatar //Tehuan// create city: (1 pt)

over the course of a year the sea level began to lower revealing a land bridge connecting the former Frost Island to the main continent, making it a sort of... Frost... Peninsula?Tehuan's immediate reaction as leader is to construct another main city along the width of the land bridge. forming a band from east to west across [J6]this city is more heavily fortified than the cities on the main island landmass, and it is built to support trade as well. this city which gives the Tiatlaca access to the western and eastern oceans is known as Den Tietzal and it marks the border between the Tiatlaca territory, which encompasses all of the former Frost Island, and the lands beyond

16 points remain

Create Avatar: military advisor General Telectol (7 pts)

of the two advisors which have served Tehuan over his reign, the one chosen in a test of strength, endurance, and tactical knowledge was Telectol. A dark brown Tiatlaca with intense orange eyes which reflect his superiority in combat upon all who face him in training and in competition.

9 points remain

Advance Civilization: (5 pts)

As news from Den Zacatl travels to the capitol of the fierce war in the north, preparations are made to ready the Tiatlaca for battle in case any brigands or raiders should travel south and mount an offensive. In response came a period of secretive collaboration with Kertzielki, the advisor of the sciences to Tehuan. in the following years powerful weapons and fortifications are designed using the powers of Forcestone and steel from the iron-rich frozen lands. Force Weaponry is advanced and with it comes the advent of the powerful siege and defense tool: The Force Cannon. the force cannon uses a spring mechanism to slam forcestone-enriched iron cannonballs at very high speeds out of the muzzle of the cannon, because they are enriched with tiny particles of forcestone, they produce powerful explosions on impact and fling iron shrapnel all over the surrounding area.

4 points remain

Command Avatar //Telectol// raise army: (1 pt)

General Telectol, with the permission of Tehuan, raises the first official mobilized army of the Tiatlaca, The Fighting Fish Sticks The Explorational Defense Force. dedicated specifically to accompanying scouts, scientists, and mapmakers further into unknown territory

3 points remain

Narrative Event!
The camp of Den Zacatl had grown to become a significantly large scientific community. catalogues of new plants, profiles of new races, the members of this colony personally doubled the known map of the continent. There was one thing they were about to do that would change the fate of the Tiatlaca forever. as quite the reclusive species, apart from one Chiaro airship and one very lost Utoypian, the Tiatlaca had made no significant contact with any other race. that was about to change, as a group of diplomats approached the Knowlsek city of Maze, flying a standard of peace and bearing a series of papers and proposals written by Tehuan to broker a peaceful alliance. after spending a few days waiting out a decision from the council, word reaches Den Atzintli of the successful alliance, prompting celebration and the promise of a personal visit by Tehuan to the city of Maze.

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:28:24 PM »
Note for Toast: Den Atzintli is on the north side of the island
i don't know why i bother... Kenku is going to kill us all once we reach the third age with 100 points or something
No comic this time...
17 points available

Advance Civilization: (5 pts)

the reports came in to Tehuan and his advisors only minutes after it was found. During a routine mission to map nearby caves in order to expand the city's underground network of storage tunnels and heat and water vents a strange substance was found oozing out of the wall of a deep cave. when touched, it sent on cave-scout flying back 10 feet and emitted a blinding light. The scouts had tried to bring back a sample but it seemed that any contact with the blueish substance caused the same light and force. Tehuan made the decision to research this strange element. With scientific research now being supported by the local government, a new interest in knowledge arose and soon the strange chemical, at that point being called ForceStone was being analyzed for it's many properties.

whenever force is applied to a piece of forcestone it is amplified by a significant factor which varies based on the size and purity of the sample. this amplified force is then output into the environment. this comes at the price of the forcestone losing a small portion of it's mass to provide energy for the reaction.

This substance soon became quite the commodity, it was not easy to mine because if it was struck by a pickaxe it could kill someone. The rock around it had to be worn away slowly by high-pressure water pumps. water, it seemed, was not solid enough to cause the striking force that caused forcestone to react. it then had to be gently carried back to the surface in containers full of water, which had to be placed in heavily padded boxes. as methods improved production increased and soon it had been worked into many practical uses. using a striking mechanism involving a piece of forcestone and an iron hammer could generate enough force to carry a small boat at over 80 miles per hour over the ocean. shields crafted from forcestone could repel and even break most conventional metal weaponry. a force-powered piston could drill straight through trees, cutting them down and stripping them into logs in the time it took four tiatlaca with saws to fell one evergreen.

it wasn't long before the first scouting parties returned saying they had crossed the ocean and seen the lands to the northwest and had established a basic camp...

12 points remain

Command Avatar //Tehuan// to Create City (1 pt)in the bottom left corner of H7 a small coastal camp arises. a small number of Tiatlaca set about studying and mapping the nearby landscape. the camp of Den Zacatl

11 points remain

Game Room / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 28, 2013, 01:49:47 AM »
playing tons of the Cube World beta now. it took me days to find a time when i could access the purchase page because the picroma server is getting ddos attacked pretty regularly for some reason.

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:38:32 PM »
this is only the first half of my comic... the next one will be here soon. the move is complete, though.

23 Points Available

Command Avatar //Tizocoatl// Create City: (1 pt)

After an interesting encounter with Corvo, Tizocoatl revises all of his plans. as he takes on last look at the camp of his people, he sees stone houses and paved streets. It is clear now that this is a city, and so Tizo names this city Den Atzintli. it is here that the capitol of the Tiatlaca will be established.

Create Avatar: Tehuan (7 pts)

Tizocoatl marches straight into the main building of the Water bearers. he sees them going about their business in regulating water supply and in their basic government. immediately he walks into the chambers of Tehuan, the Tiatlaca who currently runs the order. he sits down with Tehuan and forms a declaration of laws. this document stated that a ruler should be democratically elected, and should be advised by a pair of vice-leaders. one of these should beselected by a test of strength, the other by a test of intellect. under this system he declares Tehuan the first ruler of the Tiatlaca, and oversees the tests which will decide his co-rulers. he then promptly makes preparations to depart the island.

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Purify Civilization (1 pt)

although not particularly pugnacious or unruly to start with, Tehuan takes it upon himself to keep his society organized and clean. this isn't particularly difficult but it's good to have something in place to deal with trouble...

Advance Civilisation: (5 pt)
Immediately after the departure of Tizocoatl, Tehuan makes preparations to advance the city and the Tiatlaca as a whole into a new age of growth. deep holes are carefully dug and hollowed out logs and even some iron pipes are inserted, piping the heat of the earth up into the city in the form of steam. houses are permanently heated and farming production doubles. soon after, population does as well. Den Atzintli is a massive coastal city built on and in some points right into the high, stone cliffs. boats are soon circumnavigating the island and some have even ventured out into the open ocean. although so far no other lands have been reached with conventional technology, though there are rumors of magic-based projects to increase the speed and durability of the Tiatlaca's boats...

9 points remain

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:43:41 AM »
beautiful space backgrounds courtesy of NASA... if for any reason you thought i could actually draw that...

this was supposed to be a normal black and white sketch comic... i don't even know what this is anymore

13 Points:

Command Avatar: Create Race (-1 pt)

After watching 10,000 years of evolution occur in the span of 30 seconds, Tizocoatl finally completes his first creation, a race of creatures similar to himself known as the Tiatlaca

The Tiatlaca people maintain the same basic form as Tizocoatl, also descended from the Axolotl, although Tizo is actually an albino. albinism is much more common in the tiatlaca at a rate of about 1:40, the majority of tiatlaca are brown-colored and can have speckled or flat-color skin. shades of brown range from chocolate brown and lighter to nearly black and speckles are darker than normal skin. all tiatlaca share the external lungs, which fan out from six spines arranged extending from the back of the head. these allow the Tiatlaca to breathe underwater and take in more oxygen than other creatures, making them better suited for their cold, high-altitude habitat. if these external lungs are covered up or damaged, the tiatlaca can continue breathing through a small pair of internal lungs. of course if their external lungs, or any part of them for that matter, is damaged, they can easily regenerate their wounded areas. it can take as little as 10 days to completely regrow a lost limb or a damaged but nonessential internal organ. their regenerative ability gives them a serious advantage over other creatures trying to endure harsh climates. although they spend most of their time on land, if they have zero access to water for more than a few days their skin will dry out, causing extreme pain and hampering their regenerative abilities and restricting physical activity until they can rehydrate, luckily they tend to live near the coastline and the Frost Island is covered in freshwater lakes.

12 points remain:

Create free Order: (-0 pts)

the Water-bearers: under a newly established and very basic leadership of Tizocoatl, the tiatlaca have begun to exploit the natural resources of their cold land, because there is no way to grow crops in the frozen, rocky soil, a special group of tiatlaca are designated the water-bearers. they have the important job of carrying large containers of water into the caves on the cliff faces of Frost Island. there, they place the containers of water on top of naturally occurring geothermal vents of hot air and steam. they then carry the heated water back to the communal living area of the tiatlaca, although they have not yet established a city, and continue to live in makeshift tents and basic wood shelters, with the arrival of a source of hot water, it is slowly becoming possible for the tiatlaca to grow basic crops and help to cultivate the existing fruit trees, whose fruit seems resistant to cold but which take a long time to grow and bear their fruit. understandably the popularity of the water-bearers increased dramatically over little time and soon it was considered the highest of honors to brave the high cliffs and dark caves to attain the hot water needed for farming. As they appeared to be the most respected and well-organized group, Tizocoatl decided to slowly give them the opportunity to establish a rule by the people, as a hard-working and trusted group, they are quickly accepted as the leaders of the tiatlaca as Tizo slips away to carry on with his other plans...

12 points remain:

the northward winds seem to blow colder, as if carrying an omen from the frozen land...


Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:39:03 AM »
i couldn't do a comic because this post is being submitted over wifi from a Boeing 737

under the direction of it's only resident, changes begin to occur on the Frozen Island...

shape climate -2 pts: Frost island (K7 to J10)

Large Evergreen forests grow to populate the entire island

shape climate -2 pts:

the climate of frost island warms slightly, to the point of finally being capable of supporting life. with the slight warming comes the formation of freshwater lakes from meltwater. the island remains quite cold and any sustainable culture there will need to fight to thrive.

4 points spent: 10 points remain

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:27:55 AM »

An Ancient creature, sealed away for reasons unknows deep beneath the Frost Island, is alerted. it is time to return to the surface. the world has changed much since he vanished beneath the island ages ago. the aquatic spirit, Tizocoatl, is ready to shape the land to his will.

expend 10 points to create avatar: 0 points remain

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: June 27, 2013, 05:51:35 AM »
DoW3 Round 2:

pointless move time

Shape Land: 3pts

the icy island expands to include [K6], [K7], and [K10]
4 points remain

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:04:07 PM »


whew, just finished re-reading the rules

*cracks knuckles*

      ///       ROUND 1!!!  BEGIN!!!!  ///

Shape Land: 3 pts

in the areas of J [8/9] and K [8/9] an island arises, tall cliffs bar any access from the sea, the constant snowfall obscures this pillar of icy rock from the view of any nearby landmass

4 points remain

Role Play Theater / Re: DoW the 3rd
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:45:15 PM »
i'll join. looks like a big turnout this time, you'll need a bigger map, Toast

Art Gallery / Re: Drawings of CF'ers + Pixel Icon Requests
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:33:43 PM »
i can't believe i didn't see this sooner. if you're still going i would love an icon

« on: December 11, 2012, 07:26:10 PM »

(if you know absolutely nothing about Doctor Who... i apologize)


wearing this scarf:

hanging off the bottom of this:
as it flies over a city with smoke trailing out the back

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