This is the thread for the best 4 out of 7 match between Jonas and Kenku.
Game 1. Jonas(X) vs Kenku(O), board ceeeff.
Game 2. Kenku(X) vs Jonas(O), board ceeeff.
Game 3. Kenku(X) vs Jonas(O), board diagonals.
Game 4. Jonas(X) vs Kenku(O), board diagonals.
Game 5. Jonas(X) vs Kenku(O), board horizontals.
Game 6. Kenku(X) vs Jonas(O), board horizontals.
Game 7. Kenku(X) vs Jonas(O), board generated via
Remember that O is allowed to swap symbols with X as a first move (instead of placing a piece)!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 09:07:51 PM by mathgrant »
(17:35:45) * (PineapplesOfAmbiguity) wonders what cannibalism tastes like
(17:36:13) mathgrant: Soylent Yellow is pineapple!
(17:36:23) (PineapplesOfAmbiguity): ...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO)